“Thank you, But I Don’t Drink Coffee”

“Thank you, But I Don’t Drink Coffee”

    We’ve done quite a few markets this year and one thing that has become apparent is that mum’s who don’t drink coffee feel that they have to apologise for that and that they can’t support or be involved in any way. We also chat to so many mums that apologise for the lack of coffee consumption and ask if there are other ways to get involved – ABSOLUTELY! So we thought it important to set the record straight, as Tired Mums Coffee is a brand for ALL mums. Whether you like coffee or not, there is something for EVERYONE!

    Coffee – A Metaphor

    Although coffee is our business, a HUGE part of our business is supporting mums hence our mission of ensuring that EVERY mum has access to great coffee and conversation. As well as being literal, the coffee is also a metaphor standing for support, sharing, togetherness, connection, the much needed village that modern-day mums really need. Whether you drink coffee or not, the coffee bean stands for all of these things so really does apply to ALL.

    Ways to Get Involved

    Tired Mums Coffee strives to boost the motherhood experience and we are building a community of mums where experiences can be shared and tips passed on (through different generations as well as with immediate peers) in a welcoming, honest and non-judgmental environment.

    We host FREE sessions with guests that we know will be of benefit for mums – from nutrition, to physical fitness, sleep issues or yoga and meditation sessions for mums wellbeing, we’ve got you covered! Simply follow us on social media (@tiredmumscoffee) or sign up to our newsletters and you will never miss one. As they’re virtual you get to bring you own brew, so you can bring whatever floats your boat. The chats are all on our YouTube channel so you can catch up whenever you want – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPE1QpQWkj516i_yykOJ3ew

    Our #mumsarefine campaign launched earlier this year and the intention of this was to really focus on the mental load of motherhood that we are ALL familiar with and ALL struggle with from time to time. Sharing short video clips of very real and honest experiences of motherhood may reach someone who is struggling and help them to know that they are not alone. These clips are on all of our socials and soon to be on the website – if you fancy joining the campaign and sharing your own experiences that would be AMAZING – https://tiredmumscoffee.co.uk/mums-are-fine/?swcfpc=1

    There is also our blog. Similar to this one, we are building up a series of blogs about us, about the coffee, but also guest blogs who will share their expertise in ways that are deigned to support mums just like you and us and enable us to build up a real life toolkit for motherhood. Check them out, and if you have any suggestions or topics you want covered let us know!

    Our Product Range..

    We have some very exciting and immediate plans to expand the range to appeal to more than just coffee drinkers… It will all be coffee themed in some way due to the metaphorical importance of the coffee bean (as described above), but it won’t be drinking coffee related so hopefully the non-coffee drinkers of you should be pleased!

    Sign up to the newsletter using the box at the bottom of this page to make sure you don’t miss the first reveal of this!

    Thank YOU

    We hope this helps, and that when you see us out and about or on a stall/coffee tasting you’ll come and say hi and not apologise for not liking coffee – we are honestly fine with that and would love to chat to you about everything else we do.

    Any ideas, suggestions, things you want covered, do not hesitate to get in touch either on socials or email – hello@tiredmumscoffee.co.uk

    And finally, thank YOU! Every one of you who reads our blogs, supports our business, interacts on socials, tells your friends about us etc. etc. We couldn’t do it without you and we are truly grateful.

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